Thursday, January 8, 2009

The road; being on it

Well, Christmas is over. All twelve days of it. Some monks celebrate Christmas all the way into February, but I'm not a monk. I'm also not a monkey, although some monkeys are made of socks, just like me! I'm related to monkeys!

Guess what? I'm gone! Not just a little bit gone, but Real Gone with a capital RG. When the other decorations come back to the box they'll find a little snowman shaped space where I used to be, and that space will be empty.

Christmas ending always makes me a little sad. Also a litle bit happy. A lot of things are like that. My new friend says being with me is like taking a one-way bus to Ambivilania. That's funny...

I have new friends! Yay! I ran away from Mystery Murderer, who is also my friend, only to find new friends, who may also turn out to be my enemies. Balance...always strive for balance...

One new friend is Cecil the Talking Mime. He's the one who said that thing about the bus. He likes buses; in fact, I met him under a bus while I was looking for a piece of gum and he was sleeping or something. I'm not sure what it was he was doing; it was dark. Maybe he was trapped in an invisible box. I like the dark. I may have mentioned that already...

...anyway, Cecil is my new friend and now we're on the road together, running away from our personal demons and chasing our dreams. Actually, he does the running and I just ride along in his shopping basket...I can't run 'cause I don't have feet. Socks, but no feet...

...that's funny.


HappySad Snowman, RG

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